
    This page is for you to enter your dog along with details of Handler - address - classes entered - etc etc. - For East Lothian Championship Agility Show July 9/10 2016. Filling in this form does not guarantee that your entry has been received on time - this form is mainly to get your details correct- If your paper entry and payment is not received before the closing date then your details will be deleted-   If you win out of a grade / or wish to withdraw an entry between entering on line and paper entry please email me the changes.

You may have to fill in a separate form if you have more than 5 dogs entered.

 Details on the paper entry form should match your on-line details!!

If you have a grade change then please email - samteach12@gmail.com and a receipt will be sent - I will need the following details - Show and date you won out - old grade - new grade -classes entered at old grade - new classes entered-

Please separate All Class Numbers with a dash ( - )